Mar 10, 2013

That Moment When The Walking Dead Fan Art Happens

The Walking Dead Fan Art by Glitterati Duane

Anyone following my recent exploits on Twitter might have caught on that I'm a recently converted fan of the AMC Tv show, The Walking Dead. 

There was a short period of time where I thought about this show a liiittttle bit too much. That's pretty much how the piece above came to be. I'm not into making "fan art" and in fact, I don't think I've made anything that I would consider to be fan art since I illustrated an homage to the characters from Street Fighter 2 when I was in high school. That said, I'll take inspiration from where ever I can.

I was getting caught up on the old seasons and seeing how the zombie apocalypse changed the characters over time. I found the dynamic that the characters Shane and Rick had particularly interesting. Both were essentially leaders of the survivors at one point but each had different leadership styles. Shane ruled with an iron fist while Rick was more diplomatic. I identified with Rick a lot. As fathers and husbands, were expected to make tough decisions for our families that have both positive and negative connotations. Sometimes that means doing things that make you appear to be the "bad guy".

Shane started out that way but as time went on it became clear that a lot of his decisions were not for the benefit of the group at all but for his own interests. (Rick's wife). Shane actually was a bad guy. This made me wonder how that scenario might look in real life? Do we really make decisions for the benefit of the people we love? Or do we only make decisions that benefit the people we love if we see a benefit in it for ourselves?

P.S For the record, I still think I'm the Rick of my life story.
– Glitterati Duane

The Walking Dead Fan Art by Glitterati Duane

The Walking Dead Fan Art by Glitterati Duane

The Walking Dead Fan Art by Glitterati Duane

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