Jan 29, 2013

Portfolio Update - Glitterati Communications

Glitterati Communications portfolio picture

It's been a while, but I finally decided to sit down and get the Glitterati Communications portfolio up to date. I made this portfolio reflective of the type of work that I would like us to do more of in the future. I'd like to explore the fashion industry further with projects for us as well as others. I still have a sweet spot for magazine design and would love to get into designing one for an e-reader or print. In general, I want us to do creative work that is motivated by more than commerce or necessity. I want to do work that excites people and provokes a reaction for better or for worse. People have become very risk averse, most likely due to the financial un-certainty of late but I would argue that this is the time to throw creative caution to the wind, stop following trends and be a leader in your industry. I brought back some old work and added some new projects that I feel attempt to push those boundaries. Please feel free to give it a whirl when you get a chance. Now if if I could only update my Behance portfolio...

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