Mar 16, 2009

GFC New York Artist, Ronin

Original photo

Ronin's interpretation
Like most people, I've seen promotional photography for Kanye West's 808's & Heartbreak album. So when I stumbled across this Kanye illustration by GFC New York artist Ronin I knew that I had seen that image before. However, my gut reaction despite knowing where I originally saw it was: This is Fresh! I like that he took something familiar and gave it a new face. With that said, I can't help but think about the controversy that resulted when Shepard Fairey interpreted a photograph of Barack Obama in his "Hope" poster. How far can we as artists and designers take appropriation without crossing the line? On the other side. How far should we go to make sure that others don't profit off of our work? I'm not sure that I have an answer for that. What do you think?

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