Nov 16, 2011

Jaro - Cherubim

Jaro - Cherubim
I'm almost a week late but cut me some slack, I've been busy okaaay! Anyway. Cherubim is a new mixtape from my man Jaro. Jaro is currently based out of Van City but we met as kids in Bermuda. I think we might have even had child-hood beef :). Jaro also spent some time in Halifax as member of the group, The Chronicles. My dude has now matured into a great artist that has been one of the few that I've seen to make hip hop that maintains a strong Bermudian identity without sounding "American". I think that the project is dope and feels authentic, beyond just a dude spitting slick bars. According to him, Cherubim is only a short preview of what's to come so we'll definitely be checkin for his next project. Here are some of my favs from the tape.

4. Purple Kushion by TypeHunDread
8. Tell Me If You're Down To Fly by TypeHunDread
2. Rise N Grind by TypeHunDread

Download the whole mixtape over at Hip Hop Vancouver.

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