Nov 20, 2012

Nick Wooster - Get Dressed Like You Mean It

I agree with Nick's take on men and uniforms. As a person who spent all of both primary school and high school wearing a uniform I can say that we always found creative ways to wear our uniforms and still express ourselves so the argument that uniforms are restrictive, although valid is also not considering the fun one can have when playing within a certain context. After all, most of the fun in design comes from the restrictions set on a project by the client. Those restrictions often force us to think outside of the box and they ultimately lead to ideas that may have never developed had we been allowed to do whatever we wanted to.

Glitterati Duane as a kid in his Elliott Primary school uniform
A young Glitterati Duane in his school uniform
Another point that I agree with is that, it was refreshing to not have to agonize over an outfit, but know that I was stepping out of the house looking somewhat put together. Don't get me wrong; Most days, I enjoy digging through my closet and looking for creative and new ways to present myself to the world. I also tend to dress according to my mood, so it's nice to have freedom to be able to do that, but I still miss the days when I didn't have to think about clothes. I just grabbed my white shirt, dress pants, blazer and tie, and was good to go.

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