Jan 3, 2010


At a time when print publications are folding left and right, including one of my favorites I.D., I’ve recently started reading Monocle. I first heard mention of Monocle in a Lupe Fiasco song. The line went something like, “Monocle Magazine and Japanese Manga…”. I can’t remember the rest of the line or what song it comes from but my curiosity was sparked. In November I finally broke down and bought a copy. The design doesn’t feature flashy graphics but is very beautifully done. There is lots of content covering business, technology, world issues and design. The diversity of content makes it perfect for people who consider themselves creative professionals or professional creatives. Each article also features snippets of additional text explaining various parts of the article in more detail. It almost felt like having Google built into a printed page. The November 09 issue featured two inserts for added bonus. They were a style survey about fashion and retail and a Manga comic. The great thing about Monocle is the added value you get with each issue. I don’t believe that print is on its death-bed but I do believe that added value will be key to its future relevance. Mark me down as a fan.

{Addition} Ok. My dude Lionel hit me up on Twitter with the full quote and song name that Lupe Fiasco quote came from. It goes: "Japanese Manga, futura nosferatu's and HTM trainers - Gold Watch". (Thanks!)

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