Aug 12, 2009

Joe Budden, Raekwon and Dumbness in Our Society

As usual, Jay Smooth is right on the money with this one. I can't help but relate this to my past experiences as a hip hop head looking for clubs with rap music in steady rotation. Clubs that are considered, "hip hop" clubs often have a negative stigma associated with them. It's implied that because the music can have elements (not always) of mysogeny and violence that the environment the music is played in must therefore be the same. When the reality is that hip hop didn't invent fights, mysogeny and drugs. These things occur, have occured and probably will continue to occur even if hip hop never existed. What's happening in hip hop is a reflection of what's happening in society. The issue is that rappers often don't care about political correctness and simply say what a lot of us are thinking but are afraid to say. This is what I love about hip hop. I don't always agree with everything I hear but I appreciate hearing a perspective that's true to how an artist feels or felt at one point in their life. The real problem as Jay puts it, is not a "hip hop" issue. What happened with Joe Budden and Raekwon is an issue that all of us deal with regardless of race, sex and social circle.

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