Jan 2, 2013

2012 Highlights for Glitterati Communications

2012 proved to be an interesting year for me to say the least. I was met with a lot of professional and personal challenges that affected me more than I realized. As the year wrapped up I ended up sick and stressed. 2012 kicked my ass and I wasn't as excited about the new year and the prospect of facing new challenges as I usually am at this time of year. I didn't notice how much I was affected by the stress until the people around me pointed out that something was different with me and luckily I have a great family to help coach me out of this slump and get back on track.

That said, a lot of great things also happened in 2012. The image above is a collage of some of my favorite Glitterati Communications moments from the past year captured on Instagram, including participating in our first craft show, pushing our creative boundaries, expanding the Future Glitterati series, garnering some media attention and a logo re-design. Here's to 2013... Its triumphs AND its challenges.

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